How I’m scaling one offer to 6 figures a month.

In 2020, when the world shut down. I had just had my 11th, 6-figure month in my business.

Now, I had begun the transition to selling passive courses in 2018, but I hadn’t been able to focus on scaling that because I was so booked out with 1x1 clients.

Fortunately, I had built a solid foundation, email list, and signature offer and was able to stop doing 1x1 almost completely, and scale my online school so I could be more present with my kids.  I homeschooled them for 2 years, we went to Disney multiple times a year, and got to just really, LIVE.

But I took my eye off a lot of my goals. I lost myself in mothering and forgot why I started this journey… to help more people with ADHD and BIG GOALS build a really BIG life. I got so fixated on passive income and working less, that I wasn’t living in my purpose.  

Now I want to share that mission with more people again.

You get to make a lot of money and help a lot of people, without struggle or stress or overwhelm

Here’s how simplifying my business has helped me add over 70 customers, 150 to my email list, and multiple 5 figures in revenue in the last 2 weeks.

  • I simplified my core offer to solve one problem- Helping experts scale and automate their Signature Offer to 7 figures. With simple systems and one core framework.

  • I took that framework and created 3 core offers.  High ticket done with you, mid tier school in a group setting, and a low cost bundle. 

  • I chose 2-3 ways to create free content. Reels/tiktoks, carousels, and this blog.  

  • I created simple systems to automate my lead generation from organic content, and spend about $10-20/day on ads.

Finally, I stopped telling myself that I couldn’t hit that goal again without a ton of 1x1 clients. Instead, I took on a few 1x1 part time clients that were the ideal fit for my 1x1 many offer, and got them amazing results and got to know my ideal customer better.

Here's how to scale your 1 to many offer.  

Step 1: Create your core framework.  How you get people results. 

Make it clear, solve one problem for one person. 

Break down your process into 3 phases.  Phase 1- what they need to know and have a basic understanding of before they can get results.  Phase 2- What processes or action steps do they need to execute.  Phase 3- What systems do they need in place to get amazing results.

Create a tool, project management database, or system for them to follow along the way.

I’ve used Asana, Notion, Google drive, and even just a google doc.  Either way, just outline where they share their homework with you.

Step 2: Look at your business by the numbers

If offer 1 is $20k, Offer 2 is $5k, and offer 3 is $197, how many do you need to sell of each in order to hit your goal?

Don’t get emotional, get analytical.  Use your manifestation and mindset practices to feel the gratitude and gravity of the impact you make on the world.  Use your logical brain to look at your numbers.

If I sell 1 Offer one for $20k, then then I need to sell 14 spots of offer 2 per month and 50 of offer $197.

That’s 65 total customers.

IF my email list has 1,000 people, what percentage do I need to convert?


You don’t need a big audience, you need to solve better problems. Problems that people are willing to pay $20k, 5k, and $197 to have solved for them.

You will have 1 avatar for each of these offers.  They are similar, but positioned differently.

Example… A Hair Stylist educator might be helping the top client scale to $250k in their micro salon in 6 months. She’s willing to pay $20k to have someone just show them the exact steps and do it with them.  The $197 offer client is also a hair stylist, but this client just has a smaller goal to increase her profit margins by 5% and better understand her numbers.

One day client 3 could become client 1.  Offering this tiered solution helps clients at each stage of their journey.

Step 3: Simple scales.  Your business is just 3 Systems.

Leads> Sales> Fulfillment

As a business coach, I can look at someone's business and, within 2 minutes, know if they have a lead generation problem, a sales problem, or a fulfillment issue.

Sometimes it’s fulfillment, meaning your clients aren’t getting great results or your product needs an upgrade.

Oftentimes, it’s a sales issue.  Your message is speaking to the wrong desires or struggles, the price isn’t matching the value exchange, your sales mechanism is too teachy vs. helping your audience see your offer as a solution,  or you’re trying to sell a high ticket issue with a click-to-buy funnel.  Meaning, your customer needs to know, like and trust you more before dropping $20k.

Or maybe it’s a lead generation issue.  You aren’t generating new leads.  This is usually only the case for brand new businesses.  More often than not, you’re not speaking to or converting your existing audience. 

When you simplify what you offer, you can scale without stress. 

Start looking at your business as just 3 simple systems.  As an adhd multi passionate mom of 3. I understand this is easier said than done. But this is where you gain freedom.

Build a really great offer.

Solve 1 problem.

Offer that solution to a ton of people, in 3 different ways.

In Q2, I’m opening the doors to the revamped model of Slay School.  This one offer has generated over $1.3 million for my company.  

I promise to document everything that works and doesn’t along the way!

Until Next Week Trailblazers!


How to build your online business side hustle while still in your 9-5


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